Filipinos are known survivors of circumstances, a strong fighter in desperate situations. We manage to survive from disappointments, we emerge more strongly and determined to face the odds that come. One of the most outstanding characteristics of Filipinos is resilience. Although Canoy (as cited by Casal, 2019) calls it as “superhuman patience” which for many, is an undertone, it is because there is no other choice but to be patient. This is the reason why Filipinos are confident in doing things especially in making big decisions that entail his own future and family.

 Filipino spirit is an indomitable spirit, the spirit of resilience, most of all, spirit of triumph. A strong foundation for resilience is family. Since it is the basic unit of society, full attention and love is focused on it, all- out love to the point of sacrificing own lives to provide for the needs and wants. Reflective Analysis was the method used in conducting this research. It is used to provide opportunity to critically examine experiences of respondents and connect it to learning objectives of the activity.

  As part of Faces of Resilience we started a series of short video's in which we listen to the stories, the motivations and the struggles of those on the front lines of the struggle for positive social change. Those who despite everything, still have the power, the hope and the resilience to fight for a dignified life. Listen to the inspiring words of those who are making the world a better place for everyone of us.   

 Blogger: jiwill•√•


  1. Great writing. Filipinos are strong against challenges

  2. Thank you for spotlighting the importance of resilience. Your blog encourages us to face adversity with strength and determination.


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